Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily routine

Hey Everyone,

   This post is dedicated to my daily routine and an update. When I read other people's blogs before my exchange, I thought to myself why don't they update their blogs very often? The reason is, while on  exchange there is so much going on that it is hard to find the time to sit down and write and for that I do apologize. 
    Before starting everything I have a quick story to tell. About three weeks ago,  I went bowling with my friends.  When I entered the bowling alley a doorman gave me a card which the expenses are put on that apparently I was supposed to keep with me the whole time. So after we were done bowling, we went to go eat and I forgot my card on the table. Later I found out that you have to give the card to the doorman to be able to leave and if you lose it you have to pay 190 dollars. I went and looked for it multiple times, but it was gone. My friends and I went to talk to the employees I pretended that I didn't know any portuguese , and everytime they tried talking to me I shook my head and mumbled in english. After 15 minutes one of the employees just gave me another card. Sometimes being a foreigner can definitely give you an advantage in difficult situations.    

  In the past couple of weeks I have gone out a lot with friends which has been really fun! We went bowling, to the mall, to the movies, and to a couple of parties. I'm really close to my friends here and I know that leaving them will be one of the hardest parts!

 This part of the post should have probably been written the first week I was here and I really don't know why I haven't written it until now. So here is my long anticipated daily routine! 

6:20: wake up and take a shower
6:30-7:00: get dressed and have breakfast
7:10: the taxi that takes me to school arrives. 
7:20: school starts and I have three classes that vary depending on the day.
9:50-10:20:  have recess, which is really fun because my friends and I hang out in the class and play card games like Uno and talk a lot.
10:20-12:40:  have three more classes and then school ends.
1:00: the taxi takes me back home
1:10-3:00:   have lunch and my daily conversation with Lulu (Luiza) the maid who I am very close too.
3:00-10:30:  This is the time in between lunch and sleep, I usually watch TV, or on the computer, running, and sometimes cooking. I usually have dinner by myself which has been hard to get used too and then go take a shower and go to sleep.

Well that's pretty much it. Yeah it's quite boring but oh well. Tomorrow Micareta starts, which is the Carnaval  in my city. I'm really excited and will post about it soon!

Um abraco,


  1. Heeey, haha, another holiday coming, we have plenty this time of the year. Just to know, are you studying at Gênesis? I think I saw you there the other day, when I was waiting my cousins.
